He is such a little man!! This guy loves to help me and is so into cleaning. If I get close to the sink, he begs to help with dishes. If I am doing laundry, he reaches up for the clothes from the wash and throws them in the dryer for me. The other day, when I was washing dishes he asked if I would get the step-ladder so he could help me. Realizing how I could capitalize on this in the future, I definitely did not hesitate. He stuck with it til they were all gone.
He got a little worried when he looked at his hands and noticed they were all raisiny.
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I rewarded his efforts with a little dessert after dinner.
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I rewarded his efforts with a little dessert after dinner.
Turkey in a Blizzard.
1 chocolate covered donut,
1 Hershey's kiss,
1 orange sprinkle
( I used leftover Halloween ones),
and 4 candy corn.
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1.) Gently press Hershey's Kiss into the donut near the hole.
2.) Press each candy corn around the top rim of the donut
3.) Press orange sprinkle into the pointy top of Kiss.
I put mine atop a scoop of vanilla ice cream.Voila!! Turkey in a Blizzard
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Bernadette the Thrift Store Angel
She was all of $1.99 at my favorite Thrift Store! I am sure she brought Merry Christmases to her family, but they apparently moved on to someone new. So now, she will reside happily in my living room. I hope to rescue more angels just like her. She is helping to slowly transition my decor into Christmas and quite frankly, I love her.
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